Tuesday, November 27, 2012


This has been bothering me for quite sometime. I KNOW they made a Jackson Pollack reference on Spongebob Squarepants. . . Or maybe I am ignorant of all the artists who have created art similar to that of the fictious character in the show Spongebob Squarepants.

So let me start from the very beginning...

Art Appreciation: 1st Semester

Mrs. Ferdie...

This woman... is insane. Insanely cool. I loved her class, I just wish I had received a better grade. But, I think I deserved that grade. I am quite the dumbass.


We learned about a guy named Jackson Pollock, an artist of the 60s. His work had made an impression on me ... his art made me feel something.

Which was strange.

Considering that his art mostly consists of scribbles.

Lots of them... compacted.
Number 13A: Arabesque
Shimmering Substance

These are few that I do like. I REALLY like the colors that he used.


Jackson Pollock
Mrs.Ferdie said that he didn't always paint with his paintbrushes. Being the idiot of the class, I thought she was telling me that this man painted with his wiener. Don't think little of me just yet, because there really IS a man that paints with his penis. How do I know this? I stayed up late and saw a guy painting women... with his wiener. If you don't believe me, look it up. I'm sure there's a website for this guy. But, don't expect to see amazing art. I remember his "art" looking like a three year old painted it. And signed it with a wiener stamp.  But!   I'm not talking about WIENER GUY right now, we are discussing the REAL artist, Jackson Pollock.        So, Mrs.Ferdie said that he used random objects, instead of using a paintbrush. He'd use strange things like, broken glass. He died at the age of 44 in an alcohol-related car accident.(Thank you Wikipedia). Now that you just as much as I do, I can continue; And hopefully stay on topic.
In the episode, an artist walks into the Krusty Krab and orders a Krabby Patty. After receiving his patty, he begins to form a masterpiece out his meal. He then walks out of the Krusty Krab leaving his Krabby Patty art plate behind. Squidward then discovers the art and says that it is the work of Fiasco. 
Because I don't feel like remembering, Or, discussing the entire episode. I'll just get to the point. FIASCO'S ART IS SIMILAR TO THAT OF JACKSON POLLOCK'S. FIASCO IS JACKSON POLLOCK IN THE SPONGEBOB UNIVERSE. So why are you making a big deal out of this Shadia? WELL, I'm making a big deal out of this because I cannot find ANY conformation to my theory! Now that I think about it, children watch this show. And I doubt that a child would write and in-depth analysis about a show with a talking sponge. I just want somebody to tell me that they noticed this too. It frustrates me because, I feel like I am over-thinking it. But, if am correct, and I DID catch this nod to the artistic community, I can feel proud of myself. 

And I'll feel like I actually learned something in class.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Boys & Girls of Every Age, Wouldn't You Like To See Something Strange?

It could've been worse. IT'S NOT WHAT I EXPECTED THIS YEAR, but it was fine.

I started the day feeling miserable because I didn't go costume shopping at the Goodwill, like I've been doing for the past 2 years. My best costume ever was one that I had found AALLLL by myself, at the Goodwill. Spending only $20.
I wish I had done my makeup better, and made a better facial expression. But, I was posing from memory, I don't have the poster on my mind-WITH THAT BEING SAID, I am still very proud of it. I am the only female (out of the 3 that I just saw on Google) who managed to pull this off successfully. In my opinion.

                                                    Marty McFly 2011


I wasn't able to do anything fun like that this year. Which hurts.
A lot.

But I always have my go-to costume. . . My slit throat costume.I rely heavily upon this piece. But, I wanted to try something new this year. So, I turned to the Spirit Halloween Store. Now that I think about it, I don't recall ever buying anything there, ever. . . 

And I was reminded as to that was.

They had the most horrible unrealistic makeup I had ever seen. What was really sad was the fact that I damn-near cried when I saw their tiny wall of blaspheme. I thought to myself, "Surely there must be another wall, A HUGE WALL, filled with great effects." So, I found the most miserable employee in the middle of the store, and I asked her where I could find the "good shit" (I didn't really say that. Although, I should've, maybe she would've given what I wanted). She looked at me, with her dead eyes, and let out a heavy sigh. Like I just ruined her WHOLE damn day.

 photo TreeBitch_zpscd57e493.gif
"Ma'am, I am sorry, I didn't realize that this would be a big damn deal for you. I hate having to ask this of you, really I do."

After the Spirit employee released their dragon-like sigh of discontent, SHE LED ME BACK TO WALL OF DISAPPOINTING SPECIAL FX.

 photo sotd-disappointed_zps80dc5e40.gif
Needless to say, I DID NOT thank her for her services. . . I sure showed her.
. . . . .

A John Robert Powers modeling student.
During my Sophomore year, I dressed as "slumber party murder victim. My friend had the same theme for her costume as well. We had a very long backstory for the costumes. I was running from the killer, then they jumped around the corner and stabbed me, then slit my throat. My friend's character heard my screams and locked herself in the bathroom. Knowing that death was imminent, she slashed her wrist and bled out. NOT OVER YET. Theennn, the killer's viscous dog destroyed the door, and chewed on the girl.

We were charming little girls, weren't we?

While delivering the class attendance sheet that day, I made a female student scream when i opened the door. . . I was very proud of myself that day. But, I almost didn't go through with my costume idea. I was nervous about scaring the mentally retarded students. But you know what they did when they saw me. . . They gave me a high-five. I was the cool kid. And I didn't have to buy a "Sexy (insert noun)" costume.

 So, for 2012, I wasn't anything. My Shasha was in southern California, my parents could care less about the holiday, and I had no real reason to dress up.And this is THE ONLY DAY I could Intentionally make someone uncomfortable and It'd be okay. . . and I still did nothing. Didn't even throw a little bit of fake blood on me face.

Broke my heart.

So, how did I celebrate?

I used Daddy's money and bought the CoverGirl Eye Enhancers 4 Kit Eyeshadow Set, Drama Eyes. . . That was probably a BIG mistake. I liked the way it looked in the palette but, I don't think I'd every leave the house wearing all those colors. If anything, It'd be appropriate for halloween parties, and vampire gatherings. Those colors were too much for me.

Working with what I had, I thought that I could pull off a Mysterious Look. I looked like a model for an abuse campaign. Not good.

I remember Jackie (our neighbor), and my mom always wearing black on Halloween. I couldn't wait to do that when I got older. But I unknowingly did that this year.

Which I think is cool.

Hopefully, I won't let myself down next year. Maybe, I will make history. . .





P.s. This book is PHENOMENAL.